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  • Writer's pictureArmanuddin Ahmed

How to Choose the Right Pavement Sign for Your Business

Updated: Feb 14, 2023

Utilizing the ideal pavement sign will help you get the most out of your outdoor advertising space. Red17 is sure to have a pavement sign or sandwich board to fit your needs, including water-fillable signs, A-board frames, swing signs, and flexible panels. You can quickly acquire these signs, which are excellent for marketing and advertising. However, how do you decide which symbol to choose?

1. Think about your business needs

There are numerous ways to advise clients that you are open for business or to display helpful information on the street. Which sort of sign you purchase will depend on where your business is located and the functions you expect the sign to perform. Consider the advantages of each form of sign.

2. A-Boards

An A-shape, Board's which resembles the letter "A," makes it possible to write information on either side of the board (as the name would imply). These signs are excellent for sites that are accessible from two or more directions because everyone will be able to see the sign from any direction.

3. Forecourt Signs

Given that both vehicles and pedestrians can see forecourt signs, they can be a wonderful method to boost your visibility. They can be employed in the majority of other places than vehicle forecourts where they were intended.

4. Swing Board Signs

If you want your pavement signage to stand out from the competition and leave an impression, look no further than swing signs. These are ideal for companies who require a sign that can be left outside for extended periods of time due to their swing manel's high wind resistance.

5. Chalkboard Signs

You can be as imaginative and distinctive as you like with a chalkboard sign because they come in all different sizes and designs. These are ideal for companies who wish to exhibit a little originality.

6. Think about placement

The best type of sign for you will depend significantly on where it will be placed. If your company is located on a busy high street with plenty of pedestrian traffic, for instance, you'll need a smaller sign that takes up less space so that you aren't impeding anyone from getting from point A to point B. A swinger sign or large A-board, however, will be ideal if you're on a forecourt or anywhere else with a little more space to work with.

7. Think about security

The ease with which pavement signs can be moved is one of their key drawbacks. While this is a big plus for putting up the sign in the morning and taking it down in the evening, it also means that they occasionally go missing. You face the danger of having your pavement signs stolen if you don't properly protect them. You might want to consider a sign that can be attached to a lamppost or a weighted sign that would be more difficult to move if your sign won't always be in your direct line of sight, such as if you're placing it a little bit up the street to direct visitors to your company to steal.

8. Think about personalisation

Consider how often you might want to customise, replace, or update your pavement sign to make it customised pavement sign boards. A pre-printed swing sign or something similar will do the trick if you're happy to display the same sign every day. A snap-board that allows you to alter the displayed sign or poster would be the ideal option if you anticipate needing to modify the message every few months. A chalkboard sign is perhaps your best option if you intend to alter the wording every week or even every day..

9. Think about branding

Branded signage may be incredibly beneficial for making it simple for customers to recognise your company. Your brand is more than just a charming image and an eccentric logo. It's an obvious sign that displays your principles and all you stand for.

A pre-printed alternative to a chalkboard or anything similar can be your best option for a sign if your company has a strong sense of brand identity. Think about getting the logo printed in advance unless you feel like redoing it every day.

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